Contactless magnetostrictive position transducer

Gefran presents Hyperwave, the new magnetostrictive position transducer that ensures a repeatability of 0.01 mm with a very low non-linearity error of 0.01%/FS and a resolution of less than 0.5 µm, also operating at extreme temperatures from -30° C to + 90° C. The amplification of the primary element’s signal, greater than traditional models, makes it immune to the electromagnetic fields, guaranteeing precise and continuous operation over time.

No maintenance needed and long working lifetime: these are the main strengths. By virtue of the magnetostrictive technology, the position is identified by the interaction between two magnetic fields: the first is electrically generated along the entire transducer and it interacts with the second, consisting of a cursor – with a sliding or floating design – equipped with a permanent magnet. The elimination of mechanical contact makes the system nearly immune to wear, thus reducing downtimes. The complete range consists of two macro-categories: WP with profile mechanics mounted with brackets directly on the structure to be measured, and WR with 10 mm rod mechanics in AISI 316L stainless steel.